Saturday, March 19, 2011

At Elaine's house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm blogging at Elaine's house!!! :D
Soo sorry blog long time didnt update >< Elaine's house online is cool :D
hahaha since we're wasting our time waiting for piggy ==
Tat Highness so slow cum =3=
well, holls was boring!!!! 
Mon- at Elaine's house gaming
Tue-Thurs's afternoon- C.O
Thurs's evening-Music Class <3
Fri- DBKK xD, Movie-ing and basically window-shopping at Suria :D
And 2day, Sat- At Elaine's house again!!!!! Doing PSK projek..
And tat my frens was my holliday plans...
Dullllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.....I noe........hahah
neway, skull's reopen on monday!!! T________T
I dun have a great holiday tis time T___________T
and 1 more thing......(scary tune playing....ARHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!)
             EXAM'S RESULT IS OUT!!!!!!!!

nolah! Tis time I didnt kinda well for test :D
except for BC.....(sweat!) I'm crossing my fingers!!!

Well, lately..lot of ppl had changed...
I dunnoe about them..Well, time flies so fast rite?
As time flows, ppl started changing too rite?
It's a natural  process of living i think...
Some changed for the better and some..well i say they do the opposite.
And I'm geetting old T_____T
There's alot of things I havent done yet in my life...
And I'm grateful tat the fact that I'm still alive :)
Got many great friends, although along the way we could lose a few ppl..
I think tats the way it should be done...ha ha ha ha ha ha
Getting all poetry feeling gain hehe

Well, gonna end my post now wit a few sentence...




