Friday, July 5, 2013

Hello Hello~~

HELLO!!!!! Too long didnt post anything *guilty (シ_ _)シ
Soo sorry cause my schedule is getting more and more HECTIC!!!
So here I am for a short post :)

Really, I started to think how time flies really fast. 
Tomorrow is finally my last school concert and ironically, 
I dont even participate in this year's concert. 
It felt really weird cause everyone else is telling me,
 " It's your last year is High School and you're not gonna perform??!!"
And I was like yeah I know, of course I know.
But I had my reasons but at the bright side, I get to be an audience for once  (´ω`★)

So that is what basically going on this week :3
And guess what? My partner in crime,  idiot Roxanne introduced me to Kagerou Project!!
Ugh I love her for introducing me but at the same time hate her for it!!!
I'm in love with Kagerou and Jin-sama, the creator of K.P (。♥‿♥。)
Here's one pictue of Kagerou Project <3


For those who dont know about Kagerou Project yet, 
I strongly suggest you to hear their songs.
It's awesome believe me!!!
So that all for this post, till next time  ヽ(‘ ∇‘ )ノ

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

KL here I come!!! O(≧∇≦)O

Yay!!! Finally I'll be going to KL for our school trip! 
So mad exited couse I'll be going with my besties, Roxanne, Lok and Ah Suk! 
And my rommie for this trip is Ah Suk <3

But the sad thing is, I sprained my leg (╥﹏╥)
So his means that I maybe wont be able to go to sunway lagoon theme park!!!
Such a waste!! And I will also maybe not be participating in the dance T^T
So freaking sad now..

Ok enough of the sad case, I got bigger problem here.
Haha so mum is nagging at me again so I'm determined to pack tonight.

So this is basically what is gonna happen this weekend and I dont know what else to say cause I'm too exited now!! 
I'm gonna upload some of our pictures from the trip next week!
Till next time!! Have a great day peeps 。◕‿◕。

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Its 2013!!! ヽ(´▽`)ノ

Oh my gosh how time flies! Hello peeps! Its really been awhile hehe :D
Sooooo sorry for not posting any post since last year (´A`。)
I am really busy these days so forgive me :3

Haha so...2013!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe it! Finally senior year (/^▽^)/

Well there is nothing special also about it. Life just go on like it used to be.
Some of the things that certainly had changed is tat the syllables is harder  ( ;´Д`)
But its part of life right? I've been through a whole lot worse so I think harder syllables wont kill me!
And tis year also going to be where I'm going to one of the biggest war in my life, SPM.
Really gonna give my all for the big exam and get flying colours result and get in a good university
then after I graduate from Uni, Im gonna get myself a GREAT job.
So there goes my future plans :)

Things started off not really good for me this year. My grampa's health is getting worse,

faced too much disappointments and the list goes on. Well, my Chinese Zodiac sign says that 
the odds is not in my favour this year and its not that I really believe in these kinda stuffs but I think its right.
Ironic isn't it? :/

Well, thats all I wanna write. No matter what happens, always keep a stiff upper lip. 

Look at the bright side. When you fall down, stand up and keep going :)
Have a great day people!

PS: Sorry for the emoticon overload (`・ω・´)” 

       I'm addicted to them now :3

Friday, November 23, 2012

Had a Lovely day :)

Hey guys! I'm finnaly back in action! Although recent events had been bitter but I managed so actually I'm proud of myself for doing that.

So, my crazy aka beloved cousie, Natasha came to my house for sleepovers! Haha tell you the truth, she really make my day 10000 times brighter. <3 On Wednesday, my sister had her day off from work and decided to bring me
and memei(my cousie's nickname xD) for a karaoke session!!! It was tons of fun!! Strange cause the atmosphere atthat time was way different with the time when I'm hanging out with my friends. Since I known the ugly truth about friends,I felt an urge to get away from them and thankfully now it's holiday so I don't have to face them.

After the karaoke session, mum treats us dinner at The Sailor's Cafe. I ate their signature dish, Fish and Chips and it was good! And at night, me and memei decided to watch a ghost movie titled "Afterlife". It sucks. I didnt find it super creepy but on the other hand more disgusting but memei was freaked out so I end up having a great laugh :D

The next morning, sis make me do breakfast and she wanted to eat some French Toast. So I sacrificed my beauty sleep and wake up early to make Le Breakfirst. And I had a happy feeling when my family eats the food I make and enjoy it so it was worth it! And at lunch me and memei do the cooking too! I enjoyed every moment of it <3

Today was another awesome day cause me and my dear cousie went to catch a movie, Breaking Dawn Part 2!!!!!!! I only have one word to describe it, Magnifico! Haha. I LOVE THE SUSPENSES!!!! We both loved it very much <3 But sadly memei went home just now so eventually good times has to end. When I looked back at these few days, I'm feeling grateful to have such a loving and understanding family. I love them very much!!!

Sorry if my post is too long (hehe) so here's a song to wrap up my post!

I'm addicted now to this song!! Although I know it's abit old already but who cares? :) Adiyos~

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I am stupid.

Hey all. Already how many month that I didnt post anything right? hehe well Im sorry cause my life's been hectic these few month :/

Okay. The truth that I'm posting tis post is because I faced too much shit today. Finally one of my closet friend just decided to take the knife and stabbed my back. I should have anticipated tis but yeah I ignore it because I never for a second think that, the so called " CLOSE FRIEND " would do tis to me! Well congratulation to me for being so naive. 

I trusted you and it is one of the thing that I regretted. I've known you since we're small, we grow up together, we shared secrets before or is it just one of my naive way of thinking that I can trust you. Stupid. Just plain stupid!!!!!

Congrates by the way, you've hurt my heart. Maybe you just sitting there thinking that so what? I dont care about you. But I tell you one thing, you dont know what damage that you've done to me. I spilled my tears and by tomorrow, I wont be the same person that I've been before. I'm tired of playing the nice one. You think I dont know what's happening? Guess again, I've known it all along.

Along with my tears, I've washed you away from my heart. One last thing, goodbye.

Saturday, August 4, 2012

I'll make sure to keep my distant.

I love tis song very very very much! The lyrics are beautiful. Christina Perry never fail to cease me <3

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Holes Inside. Nothing is Perfect.


Loving this although it's kinda outdated but who cares! Great music is a