Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Its 2013!!! ヽ(´▽`)ノ

Oh my gosh how time flies! Hello peeps! Its really been awhile hehe :D
Sooooo sorry for not posting any post since last year (´A`。)
I am really busy these days so forgive me :3

Haha so...2013!!!!!!!!!! I cannot believe it! Finally senior year (/^▽^)/

Well there is nothing special also about it. Life just go on like it used to be.
Some of the things that certainly had changed is tat the syllables is harder  ( ;´Д`)
But its part of life right? I've been through a whole lot worse so I think harder syllables wont kill me!
And tis year also going to be where I'm going to one of the biggest war in my life, SPM.
Really gonna give my all for the big exam and get flying colours result and get in a good university
then after I graduate from Uni, Im gonna get myself a GREAT job.
So there goes my future plans :)

Things started off not really good for me this year. My grampa's health is getting worse,

faced too much disappointments and the list goes on. Well, my Chinese Zodiac sign says that 
the odds is not in my favour this year and its not that I really believe in these kinda stuffs but I think its right.
Ironic isn't it? :/

Well, thats all I wanna write. No matter what happens, always keep a stiff upper lip. 

Look at the bright side. When you fall down, stand up and keep going :)
Have a great day people!

PS: Sorry for the emoticon overload (`・ω・´)” 

       I'm addicted to them now :3

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