Wednesday, November 14, 2012

I am stupid.

Hey all. Already how many month that I didnt post anything right? hehe well Im sorry cause my life's been hectic these few month :/

Okay. The truth that I'm posting tis post is because I faced too much shit today. Finally one of my closet friend just decided to take the knife and stabbed my back. I should have anticipated tis but yeah I ignore it because I never for a second think that, the so called " CLOSE FRIEND " would do tis to me! Well congratulation to me for being so naive. 

I trusted you and it is one of the thing that I regretted. I've known you since we're small, we grow up together, we shared secrets before or is it just one of my naive way of thinking that I can trust you. Stupid. Just plain stupid!!!!!

Congrates by the way, you've hurt my heart. Maybe you just sitting there thinking that so what? I dont care about you. But I tell you one thing, you dont know what damage that you've done to me. I spilled my tears and by tomorrow, I wont be the same person that I've been before. I'm tired of playing the nice one. You think I dont know what's happening? Guess again, I've known it all along.

Along with my tears, I've washed you away from my heart. One last thing, goodbye.

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