Tuesday, August 2, 2011


*dusting of the cowebs off my blog*

Yooooo!!!!!! Its been a long long long time since the last time i've blogged!!!!
Kinda busy lately and all my time is occupied wit studying..
Tons of study needs to be done and most of my time is wit books..(sad)
And now I cant play poupee, Luna, Manga-ing, chatting...
So basically Im banned from my babe a.k.a my COM..T.T
But nvm lah, jus need to tolerate for a few months and Im free baby!!! :D

So tats was a short update on my current boring and stressful life :P
Wish me luck on my up-comming exams!!! (Fingers crossed!!)
Well, gotta hit the books now! Will try to blog more frequent after all the exams ends!!!  Adiyos!!! :D


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