Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oh yeah!!! Tomorro is the last day :3

Oh yeah~ After days of suffering, loading myself with books, Finally....
2moro is the last day!!!!!!!! I've just repeated myself right? hahahahaha
I am soooo glad that it is finally going to over ><
 After three years of hard-working(yea right ._.) finally the lat paper which was one of my fear, Chinese paper!! zeng zeng zeng!!!! I'll be  crossing my fingers tonight and hope for the best for tomorrow's paper ><"""
Tomorrow night my mummy has promised to take me to see The Three Musketeers! So excited and is looking forward for the movie cause one of my favourite actor- Orlando Bloom    (He is HAWT!!!!! xD)
Well, that's all. Gonna go read some BC's material to get ready for tomorrow's battle!
Wish me Luck!!!! Huk Huk Huk!!!!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Three letter word is comming....

*with a dead beat smile* Ya hooooooooo Minnna-saaaannnn..
Now kinda stress with The Arriving of 3 Letter word :(
DING DING DING!!! PMR is comming!!!!!! 2 more days people!!!!
In a blink of an eye, It is finally here.
 A lot of people keep on asking, are you ready for the challenge? 
The truth is, I'm not. Am I panic? No.
Maybe I'm into the anti-climate as Haima was saying. Dang it!
Subjects that I'm worried about? Chinese, Maths( I'm weak at maths ._.) and KH.
Other subjects I'm still okay. :D
Now I'm gearing up for the battle! hahaha
Well that's all the little update on my current life! Gotta hit the books now!
Wish all the students who are taking PMR Good Luck and All the Best! 
