Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oh yeah!!! Tomorro is the last day :3

Oh yeah~ After days of suffering, loading myself with books, Finally....
2moro is the last day!!!!!!!! I've just repeated myself right? hahahahaha
I am soooo glad that it is finally going to over ><
 After three years of hard-working(yea right ._.) finally the lat paper which was one of my fear, Chinese paper!! zeng zeng zeng!!!! I'll be  crossing my fingers tonight and hope for the best for tomorrow's paper ><"""
Tomorrow night my mummy has promised to take me to see The Three Musketeers! So excited and is looking forward for the movie cause one of my favourite actor- Orlando Bloom    (He is HAWT!!!!! xD)
Well, that's all. Gonna go read some BC's material to get ready for tomorrow's battle!
Wish me Luck!!!! Huk Huk Huk!!!!


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