Sunday, November 27, 2011

Long time didnt blog (._.)

Sorrrryyyy guysss!!!!!! It's really been a long time since my last update.
hehe cant help it >< After the big war finished I was busy having fun haha.

Well enough of the boring talk okay now for some update on my current life.
This week has been a great and awesome week cus 2 days straight I got to catch   two great movies weee~ 

1st movie was one of the most anticipated movie of the year, The twilight saga- Breaking Dawn Part 1 :3 haha im kinda disappointed with the movie cause Edward wasnt as hot as I thought he would but in fact Jacob was hotter (yea i like watching hot guys what to do haha :D ) but so far is the best i think out of the four movies cause BD was more like the original novel. But sadly two important scene was being cut (._.) nvm, i'll buy the movie later :P

2nd movie was Puss In Boots!!!!
IT WAS AWESOME i think haha I watched it wit two of my most favourite people, My beloved cousie Kevin and My Bestie Stephanie. If you are looking for some movie to watch and at the same time wanna have a great laugh this is the movie that you should catch :D

Then for the rest of my holiday probably will be spend with anime-ing, online-ing and jus spending my time playing online games. I know it wasnt actually the best holiday plan ever but what other choice do i have? Really wished that i have my driving license wit me *sigh Well look at the bright side i would have a lot of free time to do things that i love the most haha. 
Im more like the bookish people and i like reading. Certain books of cause not all :) and it's been a long time since I've practise my drawing too ._.

Well okay i think im gonna end my post here cause i guess you wont be reading any too long post haha. Lastly I would like to wish my friends Happy Holidays and Adiyos ;)


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