Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Last Day. :(

Huhuhuhu T___________T
2moro skull reopens!!! I will miss my holls daily routine :(
  • pupe-ing
  • manga-ing
  • kpop-ing
  • drawing
  • reading
  • no homework
  • anime-ing
  • chatting
  • gamming
  • n on9ing :(
ssssssooooooooooo saddddddd T.T
but nvm, I still can on9 next sat. Hope no prac on tat day ( I need to on9!) 
haha. Well, tis morning when I was searching for some movies to see, 
I found my old old Rain λΉ„'s first concert!!! Kyaaa!
Its been ages since I watch it! so I watch it lah ^^
Omg, I totally forgot the songs's name but surprisingly I still by heart the lyrics :D
so I was sing wit Rain (one of my dreams <3   haha)  ^^

after tat, my otosan wan to watch the TV so I let him.
then...I hit My COM..On9 time babe~
still cant find anything inspiration on my maid concept.
really annoyed here! If any1 have some ideas for maid concept email me k?
Arigatou Kozaimasu (bow)

okie lah, wanna go gamming^^
Will blog gain soon! Annyeong, Good bye, Adiyos, Sayonara Minna-san ^^


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