Monday, January 2, 2012

Hello 2012!!! :D

Hey peeps! Long time already didnt update my blog cause...
ok,i'll admit it's cause im lazy   Shame on me xD

Im guessing that alot of people had a great Christmas right?
On the 25th dad drove me and mum to tambunan to pay a visit to my uncle!
Me and my cousie Alex end up karaoke-ing till 12am and watched a movie till 3am!!! Haha awesome!!! And the next day after a visit to my uncle's farm we went back home. Although it was a short trip but it was alot of fun 

So a new year must have some new year resolutions right?

1st- I will work hard this year in my studies
2nd- Dont play too much game :D
3rd- Will have another awesome year! 

Haha so above was my new year resolutions weee~~~~
And to end this post I hope that everybody will have a great year ahead and just live life to the fullest 

*Logging offf teeehee~


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