Saturday, January 28, 2012

Its really been awhile!

Hey There!!! haha just wanna let you guys out there who reads my blog know that I am stil alive!!!! It's just that I've been really really busy since school reopens with tons of homework, need to adapt to the new lessons with me in Form 4, it's soooooo tiringgggg 

haha but i still find some time to have fun such as singing and stuffs wee~~ Im not gonna let biology+physic+chemistry kill me   And as you know I've just celebrated Chinese New Year!!!!! Yea did this year's CNY rock!! All the great food, the firecrakers, just awesome :D

And here is some photos at My CNY, Cheak it out.

The foood~~~ haha 

Blurr but you can see us showing off our red-pockets known as ang pau :)

And the last picture, Us the Tam Siblings 

Ok well that wraps up my CNY post. hehe So just wishing everybody that you all will have a joyous and prosperous year of Dragon 

Signing off!


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