Saturday, March 17, 2012

Hey All!!!!

BLOG!!!!! Oh how much i missed you~ haha like seriously 

*blog replies : owh you actually still remember me? 

Of course I still remember you, it's just that I had a very busy month so I didnt have the time to update u :(
*whisper : excuses 

Fine, lets get on *clear throat. HEY BLOGGERS!!!!! Haha, it's really a long long long time since my last post but I mean it when I said that I had a busy month with my preparations for the 1st term test. The outcome? the result? I'm 100% I'm going to fail. Subjects that I'll fail for sure > physic, add.maths.<---- 

But nvm, I will work hard for the second exam!!! Maybe I'm still not used to the new concept of upper form's exam/test format so next time gonna do better!!!!!!!

Oh btw, I'm officially 16! Haha, since I didnt do a post bout my birthday so here's a bit of posting :D This year's birthday was nothing special hehe but I loved it. Dad, mum and sis help to organise my sweet 16 birthday  u guys :)
And we had like a small family gathering on my birthday which me likey cause I'm surrounded my my beloved one on my important day  Dalton bought me a Tiramisu cake which is my fav~ Thanks a lot!

And so that's my birthday post :D so move on to my march post.
I'm now having my hols sorta like one week of short holidays before going back to hell T.T but I'm still grateful for the rest I've got throughout the week :D
And just last Tuesday, I went to Suria to have a belated birthday party for my beloved cousie Kevin!!!! Happy Belated Birthday 

So ok I think thats all the important events and so now's the time for some randomness 

My most recent favourite song- Loser Like Me by GLEE 

I just LOVEEEEE Glee!!! I watch only the 1st and 2nd seasons and thanks to Roxanne I can have the chance to watch the 3rd season!!!! Weeeee~~~ I love this song cause it helps me to realised that from now on all the negative comments made by my hater, I dont give a damn!! Haha that hater hates me? Well lucky you cause you just wanna be a loser like me   And that wraps up my post today. Nightie night all 

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