Saturday, June 2, 2012


Hey there peeps! It's June already! My gosh how time flies~
Hehe and it's been a long long long time since my last post *sorry       
Ok well just gonna update my current life

Just finished my exams and so currently having my well-deserve holiday~
Had a great time so far, last tuesday just went for a movie with my usual buddies.
Watched "MIB3" and the movie was great loved it      
And this week rocks cause I've been able to do my movie marathon!!!
After watching "MIB3", I went to watch "What to expect when you are expecting" and the third movie is "Snow White and the Huntsmen". All three movie were great! I enjoyed myself very much       

So that was my activity the whole week. Oh yeah, I just bought a new book which the title is "Firelight" by Sophie Jordan  

I love the book and is searching for the second book which the bookstore doesn't have   
and I just know that The Kane Chronicle Third book, The Serpent's Shadow is out! Omg, and I just enter a contest which the prize is a copy of the book. Hope I can win it *finger's crossed.

And well that's wraps up my post today. Got something to work on so adiyos! Hope everyone will have  agreat day ahead!         

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