Sunday, November 7, 2010


yayy!!! Finally can blog :D
haha. yesterday too sick so cant on9 (:P)
xD. haha. klah, so yesterday was awesome! ><
Cus Kev my cousie came to my house cus both of our parents go 
to someone's wedding reception so Kev go hang out at my house :D

LOL!!!! Although we're both sick to the max but we still on9!
haha. we fb-ing, Sdo-ing n basicly jus on9ing :)
N best f all.....MICH SOON GOT CALL ME!!!! <3
yayyy yayyy yayyy!! Happy max :D
We talked n gossip for like an hour ++ but we still havent finish our talk yet
but Mich had to hung up cus she's getting headache :(
But after that we continue our talk at Fb!! haha. sot bha us :D
At 8 something Kev went home cus his mom came already.
But yesterday still a great day <3 

Okie!!! About 2day, still an awesome day :)
2day have to wake up early cus have to go to the wedding reception again ==
I think maybe at 10 something we go from my house then off to the destination.
I saw Boboy n Memey there :DDDDDD
gosh I misss them ><
Long time no see leh :)
Then we all eat then go back home.
Practically that's what I do today. 
Nothing special but hey, I got to meet my cousies so thats a great thing :)

Haiz...2moro have excel gain ==
100% no mood owh ==
2moro is BC paper 2 so I'll do my best on it! Add Oil Add Oil ^^
Klah, gotta go already.
So Adiyos guys :)


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