Saturday, November 13, 2010


hahahahahaha!!!! 2day was......AWESOME!!!!!!
2day go hangkai wit Shariess, Jossie n Ribs <3
haha. It was so much fun!!!!
I arrive at suria at 12.30, followed by Rhianna a.k.a Ribs :D
then we go find Sharon n Joc :)
then up we go to the cinema!!
n guess wat, we saw Ah Yap, Phoeb, PeiWei, YeeMin n Kheu on the way!!!
yayyyy! n i jus noe tat 2day was YeeMin's BD :D
Happy Happy Birthday YeeMin n thanks for the cake <3

We watched Rise Of The Mummy. Actually not we, jus the four of us, (Ribs,Shariess, Jossie n Me :D). 
N man i was disappointed. The movie is weird. the actors sucks. no offence.
N i have a stinky feet person sitting beside me!!!! ==
 Thank goodness i didnt eat anything at tat time if not i wonder whether I'll puke or not. Okie, n tats basicly ends my movie :(

But I'm not sad, cus 2day I had tons of fun!!! 
Thanks for going out with me guys!!! really appreciate it!!! (hugs)
klah, I have nothing to write alrdy cus i cant concentrate now:D
So adiyos minna-san n oyasumi ^^

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