Friday, November 5, 2010

Sick. :(((

:'( I'm sick!!!!! Haiz, hate it when things turn out like tis ==
anyways, since I'm sick, lazy do things owh!!!!!   Nvm lah. :)

Yayyyy!!!  2day is holiday which was great! 
Ohya, Happy Deepavali to all my Hindu frens :)
Hope u all have a great time ;D

well,2day ntg special. After waking up, go eat mom's pancakes <3
then, dress up for the day n do some chores.
then go gamming :D

There's one songs dat I'm addicted now...

1) 2NE1- It Hurts
I jus love 2NE1 ><
N I love their fashion! Lolita+Vintage <3

haha.klah! wanna go pupe-ing :D
Adiyos amigos :)



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