Monday, December 12, 2011

HOBBYCON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Day two actually :D

 Yayyyyyy!!!!!! I thought tis year I already miss hobbycon out cus i've last minute cancel my outing on saturday :/
But then i remebered that on sunday(which was yesterday) I have my Primary reunion and it was at Suria and i was like AWESOME!!!!!!

Though it was only us five came but still i had A LOT OF FUN!!!!!!!!!! I got to hang out wit my old pals and at the same time got to catch hobbycon!!!! Hobbycon was great weeeeeee and i saw a lot of cosplayer! Great job guys u guys are the best! :D here are some of the photossss  

The main entrance of the convention :D

The crowd..sorry my Cam sucks :/

The cosplayers which i dont know the name, cosplaying Yui from K-on, Haruhi from SOS and the other one I'm not sure so sorryyy ><

And for the last hobbycon picture, a wall art done a lot of talented artist on the spot during tat day *_*

And for the last picture, something i bought from non-other,Maguro Relle hehe

I'm loving it~~~~ (she sells great itemssss :D)

Well ok, tats all for the post regrading hobbycon 2011, yea there is very few pictures cus I didnt have the time to take all of the cosplayer and pluss my internet line sucks and im tooo shy tooo >~~< so yea. Well Im getting ready for next year's hobbycon woots cant wait :D So Adiyos *logging out


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