Friday, December 9, 2011

SICK! T____________________T

Ok tis is the time where I should not be sick I mean, Christmas issssss way in the corner and it's hols now so y tis time im sick????? Well maybe my-everyday-lack-of-sleep is the cause of me being sick. haha blame meself (._.) 
Well ok enough of the blabbing. 
I cant wait for tis saturday!!!! It is the once in a year celebration, Hobbycon 
  weeeee~~~~~~ mad excited cus im a huge fan of anime and Japanese Animation art!!!! Woootss the event is gonna be huga and fun! Going to it wit my cousie but  he's not confirm yet so yea :/ so here's the banner :D

so the details is it's a two-days event on the 10th and 11th Dec at Suria Sabah Kota Kinabalu. So for those who's interested, grab your car keys and head down to Suria and I betcha it's worth your time :D


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