Friday, January 28, 2011

Dunoe wat to do.

K, 2day....kinda sucks.
woke up early help wit the cooking. Cut tons of garlic man. ==
my fingers stinks wit mr.garlic's odour~ xD
nah, jus joking :D 
anyway, my luna kenot connect to the internet!!!!
zzzzz, suddenly there. == i wan to play loh!!!!!!
got a date wit jossie, esther and kev 2day tat we'll play lune 2gether =3=
damn the line..==..desperate now..haiz, nvm lah. go play pupe later :D
Should tell the GM do more channel. lag man zzzz.
One more thing, tat jossie lah! make me tiba tiba like FT gain.
Gray~ haha. like the harvest de character de name <3
If got time, gonna draw him :D
Klah, gtg loh. kinda bz, will blog gain next time ^^
Adiyos :)   


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