Saturday, November 13, 2010


hahahahahaha!!!! 2day was......AWESOME!!!!!!
2day go hangkai wit Shariess, Jossie n Ribs <3
haha. It was so much fun!!!!
I arrive at suria at 12.30, followed by Rhianna a.k.a Ribs :D
then we go find Sharon n Joc :)
then up we go to the cinema!!
n guess wat, we saw Ah Yap, Phoeb, PeiWei, YeeMin n Kheu on the way!!!
yayyyy! n i jus noe tat 2day was YeeMin's BD :D
Happy Happy Birthday YeeMin n thanks for the cake <3

We watched Rise Of The Mummy. Actually not we, jus the four of us, (Ribs,Shariess, Jossie n Me :D). 
N man i was disappointed. The movie is weird. the actors sucks. no offence.
N i have a stinky feet person sitting beside me!!!! ==
 Thank goodness i didnt eat anything at tat time if not i wonder whether I'll puke or not. Okie, n tats basicly ends my movie :(

But I'm not sad, cus 2day I had tons of fun!!! 
Thanks for going out with me guys!!! really appreciate it!!! (hugs)
klah, I have nothing to write alrdy cus i cant concentrate now:D
So adiyos minna-san n oyasumi ^^

Sunday, November 7, 2010


yayy!!! Finally can blog :D
haha. yesterday too sick so cant on9 (:P)
xD. haha. klah, so yesterday was awesome! ><
Cus Kev my cousie came to my house cus both of our parents go 
to someone's wedding reception so Kev go hang out at my house :D

LOL!!!! Although we're both sick to the max but we still on9!
haha. we fb-ing, Sdo-ing n basicly jus on9ing :)
N best f all.....MICH SOON GOT CALL ME!!!! <3
yayyy yayyy yayyy!! Happy max :D
We talked n gossip for like an hour ++ but we still havent finish our talk yet
but Mich had to hung up cus she's getting headache :(
But after that we continue our talk at Fb!! haha. sot bha us :D
At 8 something Kev went home cus his mom came already.
But yesterday still a great day <3 

Okie!!! About 2day, still an awesome day :)
2day have to wake up early cus have to go to the wedding reception again ==
I think maybe at 10 something we go from my house then off to the destination.
I saw Boboy n Memey there :DDDDDD
gosh I misss them ><
Long time no see leh :)
Then we all eat then go back home.
Practically that's what I do today. 
Nothing special but hey, I got to meet my cousies so thats a great thing :)

Haiz...2moro have excel gain ==
100% no mood owh ==
2moro is BC paper 2 so I'll do my best on it! Add Oil Add Oil ^^
Klah, gotta go already.
So Adiyos guys :)


Friday, November 5, 2010

Sick. :(((

:'( I'm sick!!!!! Haiz, hate it when things turn out like tis ==
anyways, since I'm sick, lazy do things owh!!!!!   Nvm lah. :)

Yayyyy!!!  2day is holiday which was great! 
Ohya, Happy Deepavali to all my Hindu frens :)
Hope u all have a great time ;D

well,2day ntg special. After waking up, go eat mom's pancakes <3
then, dress up for the day n do some chores.
then go gamming :D

There's one songs dat I'm addicted now...

1) 2NE1- It Hurts
I jus love 2NE1 ><
N I love their fashion! Lolita+Vintage <3

haha.klah! wanna go pupe-ing :D
Adiyos amigos :)



Wednesday, November 3, 2010


Fish Fish Fish.

huhuhuhuh. My ribbons all finished at pupe T____________T
now bo rui alrdy :'(
2lah. Dai Shi also bha me! 
When got see kawaii n pretty things terus wan to buy then now baru 后悔 :( 
Bad bad habit Cass! T___________T

( sigh) (sigh) (sigh) (sigh) (sigh).....

Nvm lah. I'll try my best to get more ribbons!!!! Add oil add oil ><
kk,enough wit the pupe stuffs. Haiz, now at skull got stupid excel tests gain.
Arrrrrrggggghhhhh!!!! I really anti tests n exams!!!! ><
make my mood go down down down. :(

Well, at least I still have sumthing tat will cheer me up :D
Yesterday, my pupe is at the 7th ranking!!!! <3 <3 <3
Thanks gain for those who suteki for me :D (bow)
hahahaha. And another thing is...Oops..I 4got! hehe.

Nvm lah,btw when i open my fb, i saw this babe~ 

I wan tis baby!!!! >_______<
but now my budget is low so i can jus put it in my wish list :D
haiz. okie lah. Dun really have anything to read d so I think I'll stop blogging .
kk peeps! I'm off ^^ Adiyos~


Saturday, October 30, 2010


WEEEEEEEEE!!!!!!!! >________<

kuang kuang kuang~ yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyyyyyy XD
lol. I'm so high today because......
MY PUPE HAVE 1500++ SUTEKIES!!!! *________________*
hehehe. I wan to say thank you for the people tat suteki me :D
really appreciate it (bow) <3

hehe. well, dats the 1st thing. the second thing is....
Actually not. We still have excel which was crap.
(sigh) Nvm. I'll survive :D

btw, One Piece's newest chapter (manga) got the new looks of the Luffy Straw Hat crew!!!! OMG!!! OMG!!! OMG!!!
1. Luffy looks matured  which was a gud thing.haha^^
2. Zorro WAS HAWT!!! *.* 
3. Sanji looks old. ㅋ ㅋ ㅋ
4. Both Nami n Robin looks gorgeous @@
5. Ussop didnt have any differences i think (hehe)
6. Coppa looks cutier of cus <3
7. Franky looks like the old franky except tat he has new arms ^^
8. Brook looks insane!!! He becum a rock star. hahahahha
All have new looks but still the same old crew tat I LOVE <3

Klah, wanna go pupe-ing now so catch u all later! Adiyos~:D


Sunday, October 17, 2010


(sigh) these days. u've changed a lot.
maybe because u're too busy to realise.
But I'm too surprise for ur sudden changes.
At least u should have give me some warning.
Maybe u never think  that I will feel like this but I will.
I'm human. I have feelings too.
You've started ignoring me. And I cant believe u that day u speak two sentence only to me. Wat did I do wrong? Did I offended u?
If I did do something that upset u then I'm sorry.
i cant say that U're the 1 to blame.
Maybe u jus dont wan to talk to me.
I get it. But for now, all I can wish is..
That we can go back to the old days...


Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Last Day. :(

Huhuhuhu T___________T
2moro skull reopens!!! I will miss my holls daily routine :(
  • pupe-ing
  • manga-ing
  • kpop-ing
  • drawing
  • reading
  • no homework
  • anime-ing
  • chatting
  • gamming
  • n on9ing :(
ssssssooooooooooo saddddddd T.T
but nvm, I still can on9 next sat. Hope no prac on tat day ( I need to on9!) 
haha. Well, tis morning when I was searching for some movies to see, 
I found my old old Rain 비's first concert!!! Kyaaa!
Its been ages since I watch it! so I watch it lah ^^
Omg, I totally forgot the songs's name but surprisingly I still by heart the lyrics :D
so I was sing wit Rain (one of my dreams <3   haha)  ^^

after tat, my otosan wan to watch the TV so I let him.
then...I hit My COM..On9 time babe~
still cant find anything inspiration on my maid concept.
really annoyed here! If any1 have some ideas for maid concept email me k?
Arigatou Kozaimasu (bow)

okie lah, wanna go gamming^^
Will blog gain soon! Annyeong, Good bye, Adiyos, Sayonara Minna-san ^^


Monday, October 11, 2010

wat a shity day.

Okie! today sucks. except for pupe :)
rain all day= cant go out.
cant go out= stuck at home.
stuck at home=  a potato couch.

Arrgggghhh. My anime list was out.
I dont have any anime to watch now!!! (which was a nightmare)
2moro will find some :)

(sigh) I miss my TVXQ sssoooo muchhh >___<
Miss seeing them sing live.
Miss seeing them have fun together.
Miss everything about them. :(
But Nvm!!! Always Keep The Faith!!! Yeah!  haha^^
Klah, lights off. Nites Minna-san :D


Saturday, October 9, 2010


Kuang Kuang Kuang~ yeah!
haha. hey peeps :D
ya,a new blog. my old one sucks so i deleted it :D
hmmm. well thanks to Steppy for helping me (hugs)
(sigh) its been a tiring day of gamming, anime-ing n so on...
My hands are itching to draw new drawing but i jus cant find a new inspiration :(
But I'm working on a cafe concept u know, those cosplay that ppl wear in a maid cafe :P
I'm done wit the boy concept but not wit the girl concept :(
Hate to draw the lacy part on the dresses but that makes it preetyyy :DDD
neway, I'm obsses to pupe! haha. yeah! klah. Dunnoe wat to wirte d.
Will blog gain 2moro :D
おはよう-minna san ^^  
