Thursday, December 15, 2011

It doesnt feel right.

I dont know whether it was just my hunch or what but Im having a very bad feeling since I woke up this morning. Maybe it was just a feeling I guess..
Gonna do some reading to calm my nerve first. Sorry today's post is lame but I really dont have the mood to write anymore. :/


Monday, December 12, 2011

HOBBYCON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D Day two actually :D

 Yayyyyyy!!!!!! I thought tis year I already miss hobbycon out cus i've last minute cancel my outing on saturday :/
But then i remebered that on sunday(which was yesterday) I have my Primary reunion and it was at Suria and i was like AWESOME!!!!!!

Though it was only us five came but still i had A LOT OF FUN!!!!!!!!!! I got to hang out wit my old pals and at the same time got to catch hobbycon!!!! Hobbycon was great weeeeeee and i saw a lot of cosplayer! Great job guys u guys are the best! :D here are some of the photossss  

The main entrance of the convention :D

The crowd..sorry my Cam sucks :/

The cosplayers which i dont know the name, cosplaying Yui from K-on, Haruhi from SOS and the other one I'm not sure so sorryyy ><

And for the last hobbycon picture, a wall art done a lot of talented artist on the spot during tat day *_*

And for the last picture, something i bought from non-other,Maguro Relle hehe

I'm loving it~~~~ (she sells great itemssss :D)

Well ok, tats all for the post regrading hobbycon 2011, yea there is very few pictures cus I didnt have the time to take all of the cosplayer and pluss my internet line sucks and im tooo shy tooo >~~< so yea. Well Im getting ready for next year's hobbycon woots cant wait :D So Adiyos *logging out


Friday, December 9, 2011

SICK! T____________________T

Ok tis is the time where I should not be sick I mean, Christmas issssss way in the corner and it's hols now so y tis time im sick????? Well maybe my-everyday-lack-of-sleep is the cause of me being sick. haha blame meself (._.) 
Well ok enough of the blabbing. 
I cant wait for tis saturday!!!! It is the once in a year celebration, Hobbycon 
  weeeee~~~~~~ mad excited cus im a huge fan of anime and Japanese Animation art!!!! Woootss the event is gonna be huga and fun! Going to it wit my cousie but  he's not confirm yet so yea :/ so here's the banner :D

so the details is it's a two-days event on the 10th and 11th Dec at Suria Sabah Kota Kinabalu. So for those who's interested, grab your car keys and head down to Suria and I betcha it's worth your time :D


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Bruno Mars ♥

Hey there It's a Tuesday! Wake up kinda late 2day cus I slept late last night hehe. Well it's a brand new day and as usual Im stuck at home blogging and gamming. *sigh I really wish i got my driving license here! And Christmas is just around the corner and I cant wait for Christmas but sadly my big sis wont be in town celebrating wit us :( but cant blame her cus she's busy wit her studies so yea. Well, 2day I started to listen to some old songs and I found back Yoonha Hwang's videos! For those who havent known tis guy u should cus he's damn good! haha. Kay gonna end my post 2day wit one of my fav song

I just love Bruno and his music dontcha? :D

I know this song is kinda old but still I love good music :D


Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Ngehh cus I like being random :P

I never say I like Selena Gomez nor I hate her but I do like her music *wink

Currently loving tis hehe :3


Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Just another random post :)

Wellllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll today was ordinary (._.)  Nothing special happen haha. Well I guess that's life. You cant expect everyday was a special day right? *wink

Ok, I gonna tell u guys a little bout my activities today.
Wake up, after my wash up, watch anime till 2 then eat my brunch and continue my anime-ing.
At the evening, my older cousin invited me to her place for a small family dinner.
She's living in other state so she wanna hang out with me and my family before she go back tomorrow.
It was worth it. We talk about our past and joked and laughed and simply had a great time.
But as you know time flies fast when you're having fun :(

After our Goodbyes we went home and I started online-ing hehe.
I've paid a visit to my bestie's  blog and saw something that I had to share.

> 天生樂觀的水瓶,最明白的是人生沒有後悔這兩個字,











水瓶真愛的門檻:專情 善良 純真。














不清楚想做什麼 覺得迷惘。

在對方沒有非常明確地表示感情時會退怯,覺得愛情是兩廂情願 不想勉強對方。














For those who cannot read Chinese, it's basically talks 'bout my horoscope, Aquarius.
I'm an Aquarius. People that are born with the horoscope, Aquarius is known for  him/her being a person that is weird, kind (vain xD) , understanding , scared of being hurt or to be in a relationship or in other word delicate. 
I can't declare that all the facts was true 'cause even I didnt even know myself well.
But i think the last part was true. Delicate. It wasnt the exact word to describe me but i think i do have the trait. 
I'm really scared of being hurt and at the same time hate to hurt people. I cant say that I'm perfect cause Im not. I dont really like to be in a relationship cause i've been hurt too deep. 
Well, this particular article had open more or less changed my point of view. I guess from now on I will try to change for the better. The bad trait I'll try to change and the good ones I'll try to improve. Okay, I guess thats all for today. Gonna hit the hay haha. Good night and adiyos. Hope to all of you out there will have a great day day ahead. :D


Sunday, November 27, 2011

Long time didnt blog (._.)

Sorrrryyyy guysss!!!!!! It's really been a long time since my last update.
hehe cant help it >< After the big war finished I was busy having fun haha.

Well enough of the boring talk okay now for some update on my current life.
This week has been a great and awesome week cus 2 days straight I got to catch   two great movies weee~ 

1st movie was one of the most anticipated movie of the year, The twilight saga- Breaking Dawn Part 1 :3 haha im kinda disappointed with the movie cause Edward wasnt as hot as I thought he would but in fact Jacob was hotter (yea i like watching hot guys what to do haha :D ) but so far is the best i think out of the four movies cause BD was more like the original novel. But sadly two important scene was being cut (._.) nvm, i'll buy the movie later :P

2nd movie was Puss In Boots!!!!
IT WAS AWESOME i think haha I watched it wit two of my most favourite people, My beloved cousie Kevin and My Bestie Stephanie. If you are looking for some movie to watch and at the same time wanna have a great laugh this is the movie that you should catch :D

Then for the rest of my holiday probably will be spend with anime-ing, online-ing and jus spending my time playing online games. I know it wasnt actually the best holiday plan ever but what other choice do i have? Really wished that i have my driving license wit me *sigh Well look at the bright side i would have a lot of free time to do things that i love the most haha. 
Im more like the bookish people and i like reading. Certain books of cause not all :) and it's been a long time since I've practise my drawing too ._.

Well okay i think im gonna end my post here cause i guess you wont be reading any too long post haha. Lastly I would like to wish my friends Happy Holidays and Adiyos ;)


Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Oh yeah!!! Tomorro is the last day :3

Oh yeah~ After days of suffering, loading myself with books, Finally....
2moro is the last day!!!!!!!! I've just repeated myself right? hahahahaha
I am soooo glad that it is finally going to over ><
 After three years of hard-working(yea right ._.) finally the lat paper which was one of my fear, Chinese paper!! zeng zeng zeng!!!! I'll be  crossing my fingers tonight and hope for the best for tomorrow's paper ><"""
Tomorrow night my mummy has promised to take me to see The Three Musketeers! So excited and is looking forward for the movie cause one of my favourite actor- Orlando Bloom    (He is HAWT!!!!! xD)
Well, that's all. Gonna go read some BC's material to get ready for tomorrow's battle!
Wish me Luck!!!! Huk Huk Huk!!!!


Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Three letter word is comming....

*with a dead beat smile* Ya hooooooooo Minnna-saaaannnn..
Now kinda stress with The Arriving of 3 Letter word :(
DING DING DING!!! PMR is comming!!!!!! 2 more days people!!!!
In a blink of an eye, It is finally here.
 A lot of people keep on asking, are you ready for the challenge? 
The truth is, I'm not. Am I panic? No.
Maybe I'm into the anti-climate as Haima was saying. Dang it!
Subjects that I'm worried about? Chinese, Maths( I'm weak at maths ._.) and KH.
Other subjects I'm still okay. :D
Now I'm gearing up for the battle! hahaha
Well that's all the little update on my current life! Gotta hit the books now!
Wish all the students who are taking PMR Good Luck and All the Best! 


Tuesday, August 2, 2011


*dusting of the cowebs off my blog*

Yooooo!!!!!! Its been a long long long time since the last time i've blogged!!!!
Kinda busy lately and all my time is occupied wit studying..
Tons of study needs to be done and most of my time is wit books..(sad)
And now I cant play poupee, Luna, Manga-ing, chatting...
So basically Im banned from my babe a.k.a my COM..T.T
But nvm lah, jus need to tolerate for a few months and Im free baby!!! :D

So tats was a short update on my current boring and stressful life :P
Wish me luck on my up-comming exams!!! (Fingers crossed!!)
Well, gotta hit the books now! Will try to blog more frequent after all the exams ends!!!  Adiyos!!! :D


Saturday, April 16, 2011


Long time didnt blog!!! well 2day I was so sad tat I felt tat I need to blog.
Shame rite? But yea. Tats it. every sad day must have a little happy time rite?
The happy part is, My cousie came for a sleep over!!!!
We havent do tat like in a million years!! :D
we talk, we joked, we laugh our head off together and cam-whoring together..
It's a fun time :D
The sad part? Let's not go tat part :/
Well, i dont have anything to say alrdy so lights off.


Saturday, March 19, 2011

At Elaine's house!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :D

HAHAHAHAHA!!!! I'm blogging at Elaine's house!!! :D
Soo sorry blog long time didnt update >< Elaine's house online is cool :D
hahaha since we're wasting our time waiting for piggy ==
Tat Highness so slow cum =3=
well, holls was boring!!!! 
Mon- at Elaine's house gaming
Tue-Thurs's afternoon- C.O
Thurs's evening-Music Class <3
Fri- DBKK xD, Movie-ing and basically window-shopping at Suria :D
And 2day, Sat- At Elaine's house again!!!!! Doing PSK projek..
And tat my frens was my holliday plans...
Dullllllllllllllllllllllllllllll.....I noe........hahah
neway, skull's reopen on monday!!! T________T
I dun have a great holiday tis time T___________T
and 1 more thing......(scary tune playing....ARHHHH!!!!!!!!!!!)
             EXAM'S RESULT IS OUT!!!!!!!!

nolah! Tis time I didnt kinda well for test :D
except for BC.....(sweat!) I'm crossing my fingers!!!

Well, lately..lot of ppl had changed...
I dunnoe about them..Well, time flies so fast rite?
As time flows, ppl started changing too rite?
It's a natural  process of living i think...
Some changed for the better and some..well i say they do the opposite.
And I'm geetting old T_____T
There's alot of things I havent done yet in my life...
And I'm grateful tat the fact that I'm still alive :)
Got many great friends, although along the way we could lose a few ppl..
I think tats the way it should be done...ha ha ha ha ha ha
Getting all poetry feeling gain hehe

Well, gonna end my post now wit a few sentence...






Friday, January 28, 2011

Dunoe wat to do.

K, 2day....kinda sucks.
woke up early help wit the cooking. Cut tons of garlic man. ==
my fingers stinks wit mr.garlic's odour~ xD
nah, jus joking :D 
anyway, my luna kenot connect to the internet!!!!
zzzzz, suddenly there. == i wan to play loh!!!!!!
got a date wit jossie, esther and kev 2day tat we'll play lune 2gether =3=
damn the line..==..desperate now..haiz, nvm lah. go play pupe later :D
Should tell the GM do more channel. lag man zzzz.
One more thing, tat jossie lah! make me tiba tiba like FT gain.
Gray~ haha. like the harvest de character de name <3
If got time, gonna draw him :D
Klah, gtg loh. kinda bz, will blog gain next time ^^
Adiyos :)   


Saturday, January 22, 2011


在这星期内,我的功课差不多要成了一座山,幸好有我的好朋友在我身边帮助我,所以才可以把这座那么高的 ”山“ 顺利地完成。其实,现在我还有功课等着我的到来,所以呢,我必须尽快地把它完成。
那我暂时写到这儿, 下个星期再见吧。 Bye ^^


今天... (2nd Post)

今天是 Jossie 和 ZhiErn 的生日!!! 我竟然忘记了
真是没用的朋友= 我!

Calvin Lu 今天给了我一个幸运饼干!
饼干里有一张小纸写着 “您将会踏上许多国家的土地”

(叹气) 真的很失望  原来今天是KPOP Day!
BEAST, G.NA 和 4Minute (韩国其中几个出名的明星)来大马了

Hmm, 今天就有发生这些事情。再次要想 Jossie 和 ZhiErn 说一声对不起!

新的部落各 :) ( I put it here :P)

但我们华乐团有表演给初一的新生听,希望有更多的新生会参加我们的团 :)
我和Jocelyn写道手差点段了 :(

今天我终于有机会看东方神起的专辑歌名叫 Keep Your Head Down!
很好看!但是我有点不习惯看他们因为没有了其他三个成员,在中,俊秀和有天 :(
虽然没了他们,但我还是会继续的支持他们两个对方!!!! AKTF!!!

很多都是我最爱吃的菜肴 ^^
我吃的津津有味!唉,真幸福呵呵 :)

就这样吧!Byebye ^^